An Unusual Encounter

August 6, 2023
An Unusual Encounter
An Unusual Encounter
An Unusual Encounter
An Unusual Encounter

In the midst of the bustling weekend, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT became a haven for stylish couples and fashion-forward individuals. Among them, a solitary young craftsman in workwear pants emerged as a distinct figure. He moved with an aura of dedicated professionalism that was hard to miss, his role announced by a circular blue sticker he wore with pride. Captured in the rhythm of his perusal, his earnest scrutiny of the exhibits radiated a magnetic charm that was incredibly captivating.

There was something uniquely attractive about this craftsman. It wasn't just his distinctive attire or the focus he held, but the passionate curiosity for design he exuded that seemed to infuse the air with an exhilarating sense of admiration. In his presence, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT felt even more alive, offering a testament to its mission of celebrating design in all its forms and participants.

Opened in 2007, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT is a museum situated in Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan. It was the collaborative creation of Tadao Ando, a globally acclaimed architect, and Issey Miyake, a famous fashion designer.

Moving Scene

June 7, 2023
Moving Scene
Moving Scene

At kataoka, the delicate, thread-like rings that epitomize our designs come to life through the enchanting touch of milgrain. I envisioned jewelry as an expression of beauty not confined to flat surfaces, but brought to fruition through the intricacy of lines.

Influenced profoundly by my mother's treasured ceramics collection, I believe milgrain serves as one of the wellsprings of our creations, imprinted on my heart since childhood. Like the soft strokes of a brush, milgrain adds an air of elegance to our pieces, guiding our hands to craft distinct and timeless creations. Each line holds a tale of craftsmanship, passion, and the delicate allure within our jewelry.

A dance of artistry unfolds as milgrain pays homage to the cherished ceramics from my mother's collection. It symbolizes the heart and soul we infuse into every piece, interwoven with love and care. Through every design, I strive to embody the essence of milgrain—the delicacy and intricacy that shape timeless jewelry, celebrating the beauty discovered in every fleeting moment.